Two-component PU Foam of new generation, developed according to modern technology. After hardening the foam is odourless and does not emit any emissions TVOC, formaldehyde, ammonia or MDI. Polymerization occurs as a result of a chemical reaction between two components and does not depend on the humidity of the air or the surface. After curing it is resistant to moulds and fungi and to high and low temperatures.
Very good adhesion to building materials: brick, concrete, plaster, wood, metals, polystyrene, hard PVC and rigid PUR foams.
No MDI emissions
Quick and reliable assembly
Mounting door frames, windows and doors, window sills, roller shutters, stair steps, etc.
Filling and soundproofing partition walls, elements prefabricated in frame structures
Thermal and acoustic insulation of floors, attics, roofs, air conditioning systems
Filling gaps in joints wall and ceiling panels
Filling in closed spaces with no access to moisture
Filling and insulation of culverts pipe and cable, central heating installation and water
Technical parameters
8-10 l
Application temperature:
+ 10°C to + 25°C
Can temperature:
+ 10°C to + 25°C
Cutting time:
≤ 15 min
Full curing time:
4 h
Logistic table
Product name
En unik kode, der er tildelt de respektive produktvarianter, og som angiver deres kapacitet, størrelse og farver.
2K Mounting Foam
400 ml
Pieces per box
Pieces per pallet
Product name En unik kode, der er tildelt de respektive produktvarianter, og som angiver deres kapacitet, størrelse og farver. | Content | Packaging | Pieces per box | Pieces per pallet |
2K Mounting Foam | 400 ml | Can | 12 | 780 |
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