Are you working on a construction site and using an installation foam gun or foam adhesive? You may have noticed that everything is going smoothly until you notice that the foam starts to come out unevenly and the stream is weak and intermittent. How do you take care of your foam gun to keep it working as long as possible?
The most common problem is clogging of the nozzle or hardening of residual product inside the foam gun. This can significantly slow down the progress of the job or, in the worst case, stop the job until the tool is repaired or replaced. Delayed work is certainly not something you’d want. What can you do to avoid this? All you have to do is take proper care of your foam gun. Below is some advice on how to do that!
1. Clean the Foam Gun After Each Use
How to clean the foam gun? First of all, do it immediately after finishing the job to prevent the product from drying on the tool. Use a dedicated agent, such as Cleaner for Polyurethane Foams from Tytan Professional, which works well in removing uncured mounting foams and polyurethane adhesives. The cleaner is essential for cleaning valves, nozzles and the inside of dispensing guns for foams and polyurethane adhesives. What’s more, the cleaner has an atomizer that will help you remove product residue from the outer parts of the tool.
2. Safely Replace Cans
Before replacing the can, make sure the foam gun is in a safe position to prevent accidental product dispense. Clean the foam gun tip and thread before screwing on the new can to ensure a good connection and to prevent leaks. After screwing on the new can, test the connection with a short spray test. If you are back to work after a break of several days, perform a test “shot” into a container to remove old foam or foam adhesive. This will also verify the flow of fresh product.
3. Store the Foam Gun Properly
Store the gun in a dry and clean place, preferably in its original packaging or case, to protect it from dust and moisture. If you plan to take a break for more than a few days, it is best to disassemble the can and thoroughly clean the gun. If you use the product on a continuous basis, we recommend storing the gun with the can screwed on in an upright position. This storage method can be used for up to 30 days.
4. Turn Off the Valve of the Foam Gun
During short breaks (up to 15 minutes), you can leave the can of product connected to the foam gun. You don’t have to turn off the safety valve, but it’s a good practice to do so. Then you close the circuit in the can, which will prevent the product from solidifying for breaks longer than 2 or 3 minutes. For breaks of more than 15 minutes, it is a good idea to clean the tip of the gun of any residual foam or foam-glue to avoid disturbing the braid structure the next time you use it. Never store the can horizontally or at an angle. Keeping it upright ensures safety and preserves the properties of the product.
5. How to Remove Cured Foam
If you forgot to clean the gun immediately after use and the foam has had time to harden, you will probably have to replace the gun. However, you can save other surfaces that have been soiled with foam adhesive. In this case, spray the hardened product residue with the hardened foam cleaner. Allow to soak in for about 3 minutes and then remove the dirt with a cloth, sponge or brush suitable for the type of surface. Repeat the process for more stubborn dirt. Thicker layers should be removed with a knife, leaving only a thin layer of polyurethane. Finally, spray the surface again with the cleaner to thoroughly clean the surface.
Following these rules will ensure that the foam and foam-glue gun will serve you for a long time and will not cause you any problems. A good tool is essential, and proper maintenance will ensure a smooth job with no unpleasant surprises.