Foam Adhesive for Thermal Insulation
KDT 12 is intended for mounting thermal insulation boards on flat roofs, both new and renovated. It ensures perfect adhesion to typical construction materials and increased wind resistance.
Wind resistant formula
High yield
Fast initial curing time (1 h)
Application below 0°C
Perfect adhesion to typical construction materials
Easy application
Mounting insulation boards on flat roofs
It is suitable for polystyrene boards, XPS, mineral wool
Technical parameters
13 m²
Application temperature:
-5°C to +35°C
Can temperature:
+5°C – +35°C (optimum +20°C)
Open time:
≤ 10 min
Correction time:
< 15 min
Anchoring time:
≥ 2 h
Heat conductivity factor:
> 0.036 W/mK
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