Clinker Mortar is designed for bricklaying facades, external and internal walls and other architectural elements made of clinker, such as: fences, chimneys. The product can be used for pointing clinker tiles up to 30 mm thickness. It is a composition of cements, lime dusts and mineral aggregates and premium quality modifying additives, which makes the mortar workable, easy and convenient to use. It features very good adhesion to the substrate, and high resistance to frost and water.
For clinker brick laying
For pointing tiles
Decreases the possibility of salt efflorescence
Vapour permeable
Frost and water resistant
Technical parameters
Mixing ratio:
x 0,14 l of water for 1 kg of dry mortar / x 3,5 l of water for 25 kg of dry mortar
Bulk density of fresh mortar:
1 630 kg/m³ ± 10%
Compressive strength:
≥ 10 N/mm²
Flexural strength:
≥ 3 N/mm²
nitial shear strength:
0,15 N/mm² (tab. value)
Working life:
up to 2 h
Layer thickness:
5–25 mm
EN 998-2 TYPE GP, M10 TEO 234
Logistic table
Product name
En unik kode, der er tildelt de respektive produktvarianter, og som angiver deres kapacitet, størrelse og farver.
BRICK 5-25
25 kg
Pieces per pallet
Product name En unik kode, der er tildelt de respektive produktvarianter, og som angiver deres kapacitet, størrelse og farver. | Content | Packaging | Pieces per pallet | Colours |
BRICK 5-25 | 25 kg | Bag | 48 | Grey |
BRICK 5-25 | 25 kg | Bag | 48 | Graphite |
BRICK 5-25 | 25 kg | Bag | 48 | Antracite |
BRICK 5-25 | 25 kg | Bag | 48 | Brown |
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