Professional one-component polyurethane sealant, medium modulus, creating a strong and flexible joint. The product complies with the standard of LEED 2009 C4.1 for low volatile organic content (VOC).
Very good resistance to fuel and oil
UV resistant
High resistance to abrasion
Cures without the formation of bubbles
100% compatible with acrylic paints
No flow
Filling expansion joints and structural joints in concrete floors
Sealing joints and expansion joints in residential and industrial buildings, especially in concrete structures
Finishing and sealing of roof coverings
Sealing and bonding in air-conditioning and refrigeration
Covering welds and connections in construction of containers and in automotive industry
Technical parameters
white, grey, black, brown
Application temperature:
+5°C to +40°C
Shore A Hardness (ISO 868):
Thermal resistance:
-40°C to +90°C
Modulus 100% (ISO 7389):
0,6–0,8 Mpa
Tensile Strength:
1,8–2,20 Mpa
Elongation at break:
Tack Free [min]:
60–120 min
Curing rate:
3 mm/ 24 h
Logistic table
Product name
En unik kode, der er tildelt de respektive produktvarianter, og som angiver deres kapacitet, størrelse og farver.
PU 40 Polyurethane Sealant
310 ml
Pieces per box
Pieces per pallet
1 140
Product name En unik kode, der er tildelt de respektive produktvarianter, og som angiver deres kapacitet, størrelse og farver. | Content | Packaging | Pieces per box | Pieces per pallet |
PU 40 Polyurethane Sealant | 310 ml | Cartridge | 12 | 1 140 |
PU 40 Polyurethane Sealant | 600 ml | Foil | 12 | 1 152 |
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