Hey welcome to TYTAN Professional Videos. I’m James Davoli, the product manager. Today we are doing another video of Will it Foam Bond. We’re looking at will metal plus metal Foam Bond 60. The reason we’re doing this video and why I’m not in my normal attire is we’re at the Sunbelt Show here in Fort Worth, Texas, and it starts tomorrow.
One of the problems that we ran into as we’re setting up our backdrop here is that the metal washer to our base broke. So our backdrop is kind of flimsy. Well, good thing we have a product that’s going to solve this issue Foam Bond 60. This is the super glue of all universal super glues for you polyurethane lovers.
So I’m going to go ahead and get started. We’re going to fix our backdrop.
All right. We’ve got about 30 seconds in.
All right. So I’m going to jump on the other side real quick. As you can see here, this base is supposed to be on top of there, but it is very wobbly because these metal washers broke off. And so now we’ve got to figure out a way with Foam Bond 60, to fill her up and glue her down and then to put a little just to start underneath here, kind of hold that washer steady for a second.
Put this on. Now I’m going inside to spray fill that up just to make sure it is okay. I think we’re okay with get in there. This is the nice part about our graphite gun. Is that the graphite gun if it gets foam on it, this will be easy to clean later. No problem. All right. So if you want to see if this was successful, come out and check this out at the Sun Belt Show here in Fort Worth, Texas.
I think it’s going to be a great one, especially because we have actual use of Foam Bond 60 today. Thank you. Like our video and comment on any ideas you might have for us. Have a good day.