Tile Adhesive Gres for fixing wall and floor tiles: stoneware and ceramic, for typical loads. Suitable for interior and exterior use.
For gres and ceramic tiles
More flexible
Frost and water-resistant
Enables laying tiles from the top
For fixing wall and floor tiles up to 35 x 35 cm
Especially recommended for glazed tiles
For interior and exterior use
Technical parameters
Mixing ratio:
6.0–6.5 l of water per 25 kg of dry mortar
Mortar ready-for-use time after mixing with water:
up to 3 h
Application temperature:
+5°C to +25°C
Open time:
30 min
Correction time:
30 min
Grouting walls:
after 12 h
Grouting floors:
after 24 h
Partial/full usage:
after 3/14 days
≤ 0.5 mm
Approximate consumption for 1 mm thickness:
approx. 1.5 kg/m²
Layer thickness:
2–10 mm
EN 12004 C1 TE
Logistic table
Product name
Unikāls kods, kas piešķirts attiecīgajiem produktu variantiem, norādot to ietilpību, izmēru un krāsu.
Gres Elastified Tile Adhesive
25 kg
Pieces per pallet
Product name Unikāls kods, kas piešķirts attiecīgajiem produktu variantiem, norādot to ietilpību, izmēru un krāsu. | Content | Packaging | Pieces per pallet |
Gres Elastified Tile Adhesive | 25 kg | Bag | 48 |
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