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FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive

FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive

FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive

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  • Description
  • Benefits
  • Applications
  • Technical parameters
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive

FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive

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Fast curing and very strong hybrid-based mounting adhesive. Indispensable in a situation where we expect a rapid bonding effect (when we want to quickly use bonded elements). It forms a very strong bond that can be loaded after about 30 minutes after application, and reaches its full strength in about 3 hours. The resulting joint fully damps vibrations, and is resistant to weather, UV radiation and diluted chemicals.


FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
Cures 8 x faster than other traditional mounting adhesives
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
Can be loaded after 30 min
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
Very high bonding strength: up to 400 kg / 10 cm²
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
Bonds all materials
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
Contains 2 applicators, one with a thin nozzle for more precise application, the second for heavy and massive elements
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
Can be used on a damp substrate
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
Moisture resistant
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
For interior and exterior use
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
Ecological: does not contain solvents, silicones or isocyanates
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
Neutral: does not corrode metals, does not damage sensitive surfaces
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
The joint can be painted
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
Easy to extrude
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
Low VOC emission


FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
Bonding mirrors with no need of tapes or additional support
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
Bonding a wide range of finishing materials to typical surfaces such as: concrete, plaster, chipboard, wood, brick and glass
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
Bonding skirting boards, pedestals, thresholds, panels and ceramic tiles
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
Bonding decorative elements of wood, cork, chipboard, metal, stone, laminates, expanded polystyrene (EPS) and marble
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive
Bonding plastics (except PE, PP and Teflon)

Technical parameters

Correction time:
10 min
Full curing time:
3 h
Application temperature:
+5°C to +30°C
Temperature resistance after curing:
-30°C to +90°C
FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive

FIX² GT Mounting Adhesive

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