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Abizol ST Asphalt Rubber Compound

Abizol ST Asphalt Rubber Compound

Abizol ST Asphalt Rubber Compound

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  • Description
  • Benefits
  • Applications
  • Technical parameters
  • Logistics
Abizol ST Asphalt Rubber Compound

Abizol ST Asphalt Rubber Compound

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Highly modified asphalt-rubber compound with the consistency of paste. Thanks to its thixotropic qualities the coating does not flow even from vertical surfaces and can be applied on uneven and complex surfaces with various slopes. The coatings after drying are tight, very flexible and can absorb the substrate cracks of up to 5 mm. It does not damage foamed polystyrene and can be used also inside basements and garages.


Abizol ST Asphalt Rubber Compound
Does not flow the vertical surfaces
Abizol ST Asphalt Rubber Compound
Contains no solvents


Abizol ST Asphalt Rubber Compound
Gluing polystyrene and extrude boards to concrete, masonry walls
Abizol ST Asphalt Rubber Compound
Insulation of underground parts of a building – light, medium and heavy waterproof types
Abizol ST Asphalt Rubber Compound
Hydrophobic insulation under floor pavements on terraces, balconies

Technical parameters

dark brown, after drying (curing) black
1 layer thickness:
up to 2 mm
Curing time (drying) of 1 layer:
3–5 days for coating
Curing time (drying) of 1 layer:
Up to 14 days for the adhesive
Number of layers:
Dry mass residue:
Consumption - Waterproofing:
cca. 1.2 kg/m²/mm of layer thickness
Consumption - Polystyrene gluing:
0.8–2 kg/m² (spot gluing)
Temperature of substrate and air during application:
+5°C to +30°C
Application method:
putty knife, trowel, spatula


Product name Jedinstvena šifra dodijeljena odgovarajućim varijantama proizvoda, specificirajući njihov kapacitet, veličinu i boje.
Abizol ST
9 kg
Bucket: metal
Pieces per pallet
44/ 44
Product name Jedinstvena šifra dodijeljena odgovarajućim varijantama proizvoda, specificirajući njihov kapacitet, veličinu i boje. Content Packaging Pieces per pallet
Abizol ST 9 kg Bucket: metal 44/ 44
Abizol ST 18 kg Bucket: metal 27/ 33
Abizol ST Asphalt Rubber Compound

Abizol ST Asphalt Rubber Compound

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