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Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin

Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin

Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin

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  • Description
  • Benefits
  • Applications
  • Technical parameters
  • Logistics
Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin

Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin

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Our specialists will be happy to answer any questions


Ready-to-use solution for flashing of bituminous roofs. Thanks to it, there is no need to install time-consuming flashing using bituminous membranes. The use of this solution reduces the time required to perform roof flashings to a third.


Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin
Flexibility up to 300%
Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin
3 times faster roof flashings (comparing with bitumen membrane)
Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin
Up to -36°C frost resistance
Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin
High UV resistance
Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin
Easy roof flashings especially in hard to reach places
Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin
No need for use of a flame


Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin
Performing all kinds of flashings
Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin
Joining various building materials, new and renovated surfaces
Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin
Applying roof treatments and for corner bends, attics and firewalls

Technical parameters

semi-fluid paste
1.30–1.32 g/ml
Skin-over time:
40–70 min
Temperature range:
-36°C to +80°C
up to 300%
Shore A hardness:


Product name En unik kod som tilldelas respektive produktvariant och som anger dess kapacitet, storlek och färger.
Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin
5 kg
Pieces per pallet
Product name En unik kod som tilldelas respektive produktvariant och som anger dess kapacitet, storlek och färger. Content Packaging Pieces per pallet
Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin 5 kg Bucket 60
Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin

Aqua Protect Polyurethane-Bituminous Resin

Have a question?
Our specialists will be happy to answer any questions

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