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5S Wood Preserver

5S Wood Preserver

5S Wood Preserver

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Our specialists will be happy to answer any questions
  • Description
  • Benefits
  • Applications
  • Technical parameters
  • Logistics
5S Wood Preserver

5S Wood Preserver

Have a question?
Our specialists will be happy to answer any questions


Professional and permanent wood protection against insects and fungi. Multi-functional impregnation agent for both interior and exterior use.


5S Wood Preserver
Contains modern biocides, effective even if applied in small volumes
5S Wood Preserver
Penetrates fast and deep into the wood
5S Wood Preserver
Bonds permanently with the wood
5S Wood Preserver
Non-corrosive to steel


5S Wood Preserver
Protection for the wood exposed to the weather (logs, shingles, fences)
5S Wood Preserver
Protection for wood used in closed areas (roof trusses, wood structures, frames)
5S Wood Preserver
The colourless version may be used as a primer for varnishes, waxes or colouring stains
5S Wood Preserver
Thinning: 1:9
5S Wood Preserver
Consumption: 30–40 g/m²

Technical parameters

propiconazole, amine oxygen, fenoxycarb, modification compounds, solvents, water
transparent, green
low odour, slightly soapy
Resistance to rain:
after 24 h
No. of layers:
2–3 (if brush is used)
Norms and quality:
complies with EN 335-1: durability of wood and woodbased products


Product name En unik kod som tilldelas respektive produktvariant och som anger dess kapacitet, storlek och färger.
5S Wood Preserver
1 l
Plastic bottle
Pieces per box
Pieces per pallet
Product name En unik kod som tilldelas respektive produktvariant och som anger dess kapacitet, storlek och färger. Content Packaging Pieces per box Pieces per pallet
5S Wood Preserver 1 l Plastic bottle 6 480
5S Wood Preserver 25 l Canister 4 108
5S Wood Preserver

5S Wood Preserver

Have a question?
Our specialists will be happy to answer any questions

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