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Fire Block Extreme

Fire Block Extreme

Fire Block Extreme

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  • Description
  • Benefits
  • Applications
  • Technical parameters
  • Logistics
Fire Block Extreme

Fire Block Extreme

Have a question?
Our specialists will be happy to answer any questions


Fire Block Extreme PRO is a fire blocking foam sealant designed to work in the most extreme conditions, for ambient temperatures of -4°F to 100°F. Although Fire Block Extreme is ideal for all high and low humidity applications, Fire Block 113 is recommended in desert climates. Although it is not approved as a fire stop, Fire Block Extreme is a certified draft stopping and fire blocking product. It is orange in colour for easy inspection recognition. Fire Block Extreme uses a minimal shrinking technology to ensure an airtight seal while providing industry-leading yield, and is safe to be used around windows and doors. It offers minimal post-expansion for small gap filling while also being capable of filling gaps of up to three inches. It offers premium adhesion to most construction materials, including: wood, metal, masonry, glass, vinyl, and some plastics.


Fire Block Extreme
High foam yield
Fire Block Extreme
Foam pressure
Fire Block Extreme
Foam volume increase (post-expansion)
Fire Block Extreme
Low foam flammability


Fire Block Extreme
Sealing for window fitting
Fire Block Extreme
Sealing for door fitting
Fire Block Extreme
Filling free spaces, cracks, gaps, pipe penetrations
Fire Block Extreme
Sealing roof, wall and floor joints
Fire Block Extreme
Thermal insulation
Fire Block Extreme
Acoustic insulation

Technical parameters

Cutting time:
40 min
Fully cured:
24 h
Application temperature:
-4°F to 100°F
Shelf life:
12 months


Product name En unik kod som tilldelas respektive produktvariant och som anger dess kapacitet, storlek och färger.
Fire Block Extreme
24 oz
Pieces per box
Pieces per pallet
Product name En unik kod som tilldelas respektive produktvariant och som anger dess kapacitet, storlek och färger. Content Packaging Pieces per box Pieces per pallet
Fire Block Extreme 24 oz Can 12 720
Fire Block Extreme

Fire Block Extreme

Have a question?
Our specialists will be happy to answer any questions

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