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Universal Foam Adhesive

Universal Foam Adhesive

Universal Foam Adhesive

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Our specialists will be happy to answer any questions
  • Description
  • Benefits
  • Applications
  • Technical parameters
  • Logistic
Universal Foam Adhesive

Universal Foam Adhesive

Have a question?
Our specialists will be happy to answer any questions


Highly efficient adhesive characterized by excellent adhesion to most building materials and very high bonding strength. Can be used both indoors and outdoors.


Universal Foam Adhesive
High adhesion strength: 500 kg/dm²
Universal Foam Adhesive
Longer correction time: 15 min
Universal Foam Adhesive
High yield


Universal Foam Adhesive
Universal Foam Adhesive
Universal Foam Adhesive
Universal Foam Adhesive
Universal Foam Adhesive
Universal Foam Adhesive

Technical parameters

~ 40 rm
Application temperature:
0°C to +30°C
Can temperature:
+10°C to +30°C
Maximum open time:
< 5 min
Correction time:
< 15 min
Full curing time:
24 h


Product name En unik kod som tilldelas respektive produktvariant och som anger dess kapacitet, storlek och färger.
Universal Foam Adhesive
750 ml
Pieces per box
Pieces per pallet
Product name En unik kod som tilldelas respektive produktvariant och som anger dess kapacitet, storlek och färger. Content Packaging Applicator Pieces per box Pieces per pallet
Universal Foam Adhesive 750 ml Can Gun 12 624
Universal Foam Adhesive 750 ml Can Straw 12 624
Universal Foam Adhesive

Universal Foam Adhesive

Have a question?
Our specialists will be happy to answer any questions

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