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EV IV Chemical Anchor

EV IV Chemical Anchor

EV IV Chemical Anchor

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  • Description
  • Benefits
  • Applications
  • Technical parameters
  • Logistic table
EV IV Chemical Anchor

EV IV Chemical Anchor

Have a question?
Our specialists will be happy to answer any questions


High strength professional two-component seismic chemical anchor for use in different base materials. Epoxy resin provides thermal and chemical resistance, combined with ease of use. Seismic qualification according to European Guideline EOTA ETAG-001 Annex E-C2.


EV IV Chemical Anchor
High seismic performance (certified according to annex E-C2)
EV IV Chemical Anchor
Non-flammable and non-hazardous
EV IV Chemical Anchor
High strength, strong bond, durability


EV IV Chemical Anchor
Heavy building and industrial construction
EV IV Chemical Anchor
Underwater applications and flooded holes
EV IV Chemical Anchor
All kinds of curtain walls and different materials: steel, concrete (non-cracked and cracked), stone, solid brick, wood

Technical parameters

Application temperature:
40°C to +40°C (T° max long period = 24°C) and -40°C to +80°C T° max long period = +50°C)
Storage temperature:
+5 °C to +30°C
Open time at +25°C:
30 min
Curing time at +25°C:
14 h
Shelf life:
24 months
Minimum product temperature or application:
* Setting conditions (depends on temperature) Data regarding loads, efficiency, setting times and installation procedure in TDS.

Logistic table

Product name En unik kod som tilldelas respektive produktvariant och som anger dess kapacitet, storlek och färger.
EV IV Chemical Anchor
470 ml
Pieces per box
Pieces per pallet
Product name En unik kod som tilldelas respektive produktvariant och som anger dess kapacitet, storlek och färger. Content Pieces per box Pieces per pallet
EV IV Chemical Anchor 470 ml 12 780
EV IV Chemical Anchor

EV IV Chemical Anchor

Have a question?
Our specialists will be happy to answer any questions

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