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IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint

IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint

IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint

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  • Description
  • Benefits
  • Applications
  • Technical parameters
  • Logistic table
IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint

IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint

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Facade Acrylic Paint is an exterior paint based on acrylic dispersion with the addition of high quality fillers and pigments. It is resistant to weather conditions like: rain, sunshine, frost, and wind. Topcoat is matt, smooth, without cracks. Can be applied manually or by spray.


IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint
Flexible and durable
IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint
Resistant to weather conditions
IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint
Myko secure – resistant to biological corrosion (fungi and algae)
IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint
Colour safe
IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint
Wide range of colours
IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint
Excellent covering-up properties
IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint
Based on acrylic dispersion


IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint
The exterior Acrylic Paint is intended for primary and renovating painting of all seasoned mineral substrates: cement plasters, lime-and-cement plasters, mineral and acrylic plasters, concrete, as well as for Tytan Insulation Systems based on the EPS boards
IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint
Painting of mineral substrates
IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint
Restauration of silicone plasters
IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint
Finishin layer in Tytan Insulation System

Technical parameters

Application temperature (ground, air, materials):
+5°C to +25°C
Volume density:
1,55 kg/dm³
Drying time:
ca. 3–6 h depending on weather conditions
Coverage rate in one layer:
ca. 7–8 m²*
Coverage rate in two layers:
from 4–5 m²*
available in full range of Tytan Colour Collection or provided pattern
18 months
Gloss Grade:
Parameters for spraying with Airless type equipment:
- pressure: 200 bar
- spraying angle: 50°
- nozzle size: 0,017–0,021 inch
- filter: 60 mesh
* Accurate consumption should be determined after tests on actual object. Assumed consumption: depending on the smoothness and absorption of the substrate, on average approx. 0,2 l/m² with two coats

Logistic table

Product name Уникатен код доделен на соодветните варијанти на производот, кој ја специфицира нивната капацитет, големина и бои.
Facade Acrylic Paint IS71
Manual / Spray
10 l
Pieces per pallet
Product name Уникатен код доделен на соодветните варијанти на производот, кој ја специфицира нивната капацитет, големина и бои. Product Packaging Pieces per pallet
Facade Acrylic Paint IS71 Manual / Spray 10 l 33
IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint

IS71 Facade Acrylic Paint

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