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Disprobit Dispersive Asphalt Compound

Disprobit Dispersive Asphalt Compound

Disprobit Dispersive Asphalt Compound

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Disprobit Dispersive Asphalt Compound

Disprobit Dispersive Asphalt Compound

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Disprobit compound is a dispersive asphalt compound modified with synthetic rubber. Designated for light hydrophobic insulations. Disprobit compounds can be applied on dry and moist surfaces. Can be combined with foamed polystyrene.


Disprobit Dispersive Asphalt Compound
Works on dry and moist surfaces
Disprobit Dispersive Asphalt Compound
Does not flow the vertical surfaces
Disprobit Dispersive Asphalt Compound
Does not contain solvents


Disprobit Dispersive Asphalt Compound
Priming under bitumen compounds (water based compounds)
Disprobit Dispersive Asphalt Compound
Moisture-prevention in the underground parts of buildings
Disprobit Dispersive Asphalt Compound
Hydrophobic insulations under floor pavements in basements, garages, on terraces, balconies

Technical parameters

thixotropic substance
dark brown/ black
Application temperature:
+5°C to +30°C
Priming (dilution with water):
Priming (consumption):
0.2–0.3 kg/m²
Insulation - curing time for 1 layer:
6 h
Insulation - consumption:
0.8-1.2 kg/m² for 1 layer
Insulation - number of layers:
2-4 depending on application


Product name Уникатен код доделен на соодветните варијанти на производот, кој ја специфицира нивната капацитет, големина и бои.
1 kg
Pieces per pallet
Product name Уникатен код доделен на соодветните варијанти на производот, кој ја специфицира нивната капацитет, големина и бои. Content Packaging Pieces per pallet
Disprobit 1 kg Bucket 80
Disprobit 10 kg Bucket: metal 44/ 44
Disprobit 20 kg Bucket: metal 27/ 33
Disprobit Dispersive Asphalt Compound

Disprobit Dispersive Asphalt Compound

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