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Decor Express Mounting Adhesive

Decor Express Mounting Adhesive

Decor Express Mounting Adhesive

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  • Description
  • Benefits
  • Applications
  • Technical parameters
  • Logistic table
Decor Express Mounting Adhesive

Decor Express Mounting Adhesive

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Mounting adhesive based on water dispersion with immediate initial tack in 5 seconds. It is designed for bonding a variety of decorative and finishing materials to porous substrates. The joint can be painted once cured.


Decor Express Mounting Adhesive
Fast initial tack
Decor Express Mounting Adhesive
Solvent-free and odourless
Decor Express Mounting Adhesive
Low VOC emission
Decor Express Mounting Adhesive
Joint can be painted


Decor Express Mounting Adhesive
Bonding horizontally and vertically elements made of polystyrene like ceiling cornice, rosettes, coffers, decorative panels.
Decor Express Mounting Adhesive
Bonding skirting boards, profiles, plinths, wall panels, window sills, thresholds
Decor Express Mounting Adhesive
Bonding common building materials, such as: wood, rigid PVC, polystyrene, ceramic tiles, boards and foams, mineral wool
Decor Express Mounting Adhesive
Note: at least one of the bonded surfaces must be absorbent

Technical parameters

Working time:
10-15 min
Application temperature:
+10°C to +30°C
Temperature range after curing:
-20°C to +60°C
Full curing time:
48 h

Logistic table

Product name Уникатен код доделен на соодветните варијанти на производот, кој ја специфицира нивната капацитет, големина и бои.
Decor Express
210 g
Plastic tube
Product name Уникатен код доделен на соодветните варијанти на производот, кој ја специфицира нивната капацитет, големина и бои. Content Packaging
Decor Express 210 g Plastic tube
Decor Express 310 ml Cartridge
Decor Express Mounting Adhesive

Decor Express Mounting Adhesive

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