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Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant

Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant

Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant

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  • Description
  • Benefits
  • Applications
  • Technical parameters
Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant

Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant

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Transparent adhesive-sealant based on MS Hybrid Technology. It is recommended for bonding and sealing of almost all materials and most substrates in modern construction.


Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant
Colourless joint
Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant
Resistant to mould and fungus growth
Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant
Does not corrode metals, does not damage sensitive surfaces
Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant
Joint can be painted
Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant
Can be used on moist (not wet) surfaces
Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant
Indoor and outdoor usage
Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant
Excellent adhesion to most materials used in finishing jobs (except PE, PP, Teflon and bitumen)
Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant
UV resistant


Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant
Sealing of joints, connections and gaps in kitchens and bathrooms
Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant
Bonding and sealing of elements and materials like: wood, glass, mirrors (also varnished), polystyrene, metal, PVC, gypsum, plasterboard, stainless steel, galvanized steel, artificial and natural stone, concrete, brick, cork, ceramics, porcelain, mineral wool and glass wool in any combination
Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant
Bonding of decorative elements, hobby works and minor repairs
Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant
Bonding of furniture, bent elements, drain pipes, non-construction elements such as in trailers, container semi-trailers (including refrigerated ones), etc., and minor roof repairs

Technical parameters

kin formation time:
10 min
Curing time:
2–4 mm / 24 h
Working time:
20–25 min
Temperature resistance (after curing):
-30°C to +80°C
Application temperature:
+5°C to +30°C
Full curing time:
24 hours
Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant

Clear Mounting Adhesive & Sealant

Имате прашање?
Нашите специјалисти со задоволство ќе одговорат на вашите прашања

Do you have questions about the product?

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Send us your inquiry and our specialist will get back to you with the answer.


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